Gauchos traditions live on!

Gauchos are a fundamental symbol of Argentina’s history, identity and representation of our values. Their presence and legacy lives on even in nowadays modern times. Gauchos played a big part in South America’s history and they are still celebrated to this day.

Particularly in Argentina, there are a large number of traditionalist and nativist societies that are responsible for preserving and disseminating the traditions and customs of the gaucho.

In Argentina, every 10th of November, we celebrate Day of Tradition as an homage to José Hernandez’s birth. Moreover, ever 6th of December we celebrate the National Gaucho Day in commemoration of the publication of the first part of El gaucho Martín Fierro, a narrative poem by José Hernández, the most important work of gaucho literature.

Most importantly, gauchos and their contributions to our history are represented and celebrated in our daily traditions and values. They live on in our folkloric music and our delicious meats and asados, undisputed specialty of the gaucho. Moreover, gauchos had distinguished skills as horsemen and their bond and nobility with horses are celebrated every day at our estancia with our horses in the Pampas plain and countryside.

Spend a day celebrating gauchos at our estancia! May their traditions and values live on forever!

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