All gaucho clothing is usually called pilcha (such a word of indigenous origin then has become part of the lunfardo): the typical dress of the gaucho has the imprint of the Andalusian riders which adds a poncho (great talar coat or cape blanket type with a cut in the center to pass the head)
, a facón (large knife), a rebenque or talero and wide pants that are not the current field man, they are called bombachas, but pajama pants , called underpants, loose below, which are held with a belt with a woven wool girdle and a wide leather belt sometimes decorated with coins (called a puller or harrow – because it recalls the harrow) (see below) underneath the “chiripá”, canvas tied to the waist like a diaper, one of whose functions was to protect from the cold (the cold was often called with the Quechua word of the same meaning: “chiri”).
The poncho, the chiripá and the same habit of drinking mate were taken from the “indio”; also of them the gaucho took one of his most unique weapons: the boleadoras. The gaucho’s hat was either the “hat” or the donkey-belly hat (a circular cut of a donkey’s belly that was tied to a pole and allowed to dry and then acquired the appropriate shape) .
The guitar and the hat were inheritance of the Spanish conquerors. The gaucho used to ride with the so-called “colt boots”, which had no heels and were open at the ends, so that the toes were uncovered. Another typical element of the gaucho’s clothing is its belts, the most conspicuous are called dragons and consist of wide belts of white grained leather, worked with alum.